
British Accreditation Council (BAC) Accredited

IBES is proudly accredited by the British Accreditation Council for Independent Further and Higher Education (BAC) as an Independent Higher Education provider.

The BAC is an internationally recognised independent voice. The accreditation sends a positive and clear message to students and partners that they are studying with a trusted and reliable provider who has met a series of globally recognised quality assurance standards.

This globally recognised accreditation underscores IBES’s dedication to delivering a world-class education and fostering success in education and beyond.

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Qualiopi certification

Qualiopi is a unique French certification issued by the Ministry of Labour. The certification is designed to ensure that training organisations meet the quality criteria defined by the national quality framework defined by the Ministry of Labour, and covers training programmes including apprenticeships, vocational training, and continuing education.

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South African Qualifications Authority accredits all UCAM qualifications

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