Frequently Asked Questions

We believe that studying at home does not mean studying alone! For most of our programmes, you will have access to and benefit from the support of an experienced and knowledgeable tutor. Your tutor will assess and comment on your work and provide feedback and encouragement. You are encouraged to ask questions and engage with your tutor. Through collaborative learning, you are encouraged and expected to participate and share your views and experiences through the online group Discussion Forum. Working with other members of your group will allow you benefit from the cross fertilisation of ideas and knowledge. Unless you are in the blended or full-time classroom mode, you are not required to meet up with other members of your programme face to face.

Depending on the qualification you choose the tuition fees will vary. The tuition fees are clearly set out on our website and payment plans are available for a number of our programmes(subject to a minimum deposit) to help you customise your payment plan for your convenience. Please check the website for any scholarships ( if available) that may be open at the time of your application. For more information on our scholarships or payment plans, please email us at

Certificates for all undergraduate and postgraduate degrees will be awarded directly by the relevant partner University. To avoid any doubt, this also includes all qualifications achieved through IBES’s undergraduate degree and postgraduate programmes. As partner universities hold their own graduation as well and subject to their discretion, you may also be invited to attend the graduation ceremony.

To apply please go to the page of your programme of choice and click on the “Enrol Now” tab at the bottom of the page for each programme. Alternatively, should you want more details, just fill the minimum details under Apply and we will be in touch. We have monthly or bi-monthly intakes, so you can begin your programme as soon as you have been accepted and your full payment or the first instalment of payments as applicable to your situation, has been processed and approved by our financial department. For further enquiries or clarifications, please call us at and we will be glad to walk you through the process.

Your best interest is our priority. To ensure the smooth running of your studies with us, we do our utmost to be always available to assist you. For any change in circumstance, please contact us, explaining the change and how it has affected you. Every effort will be made to accompany you during this period and facilitate the completion of your programme. Please, therefore, get in touch with us via our email or by call.

Yes, as long as the programme is completed within the prescribed time and you have applied for deferment. All programmes have a specified completion date. We do, however, give our learners ample leeway to take some time off and still be able to complete their programme within the allotted timeframe. Nonetheless, if you need to defer your semester, please contact us as soon as possible.
If during the first 14 days of getting access to our online learning platform, you are not completely satisfied with the service offered, you are entitled to a full refund. We want to ensure that our learners are happy with our platform and learning materials. For your refund to be processed on time, we simply request that you contact us as soon as possible. For learners registered through an approved IBES learning centre, please contact your centre directly for more details about the refund policy.

Do not worry, you only need basic IT skills to find your way around our online platform.

Yes, for 100% online and blended learning you will need to either have a computer, laptop or tablet at your disposal or at least have regular access to one. Additionally, please ensure you have a stable internet connection to log on to our online learning platform. If you choose the full-time classroom study option, you will have access to the facilities and library of your locally approved IBES learning centre to supplement your online classes.

IBES provides you with three options of study: 100% online: We are very proud of our truly interactive online learning platform which harnesses the power of social networking to make learning fun, collaborative and engaging. It is a safe and secure network for you to learn from dedicated tutors and from your online classmates. Blended Learning: You will have all the benefits and access to our online learning platform plus some face to face classes at locally approved IBES learning centres. You will therefore receive additional tutoring and have physical classroom interaction with other learners of IBES. Full time Classroom Learning: You will have all the benefits and access to our online learning platform plus full-time classes at a locally approved IBES learning centre. Please note we are continually adding learning centres, so please contact us if there is no IBES Approved Learning Centre near you.

IBES is registered as a Professional Training service provider in accordancewith Article R.6351-6 of the French Employment Code, with the prefecture of the region of ILE-DE-FRANCE under Number 11755913675. IBES is also registered as a private distance learning establishment of Higher Education with the French Ministry of Education in accordance with the French Education Act – Code de l’Education Articles L 444-1 to 444-11 and R 444-1 to 444-28 and our programmes are registered with the Académie de Paris ( Rectorat de Paris).  IBES is a member of the European Association for Distance Learning (EADL). We are also Qualiopi certified. Qualiopi is the French quality certification mark for training providers. This certification attests to the quality of the processes we have implemented to help develop the knowledge and skills of our students.

The following programmes have been registered with and declared open by the Académie de Paris (Rectorat de Paris): 

  1. Docteur en administration des affaires (Doctor of Business Administration)
  2. Docteur en éducation (Doctor of Education)
  3. Mastère en éducation (Master of Education)
  4. Mastère en administration des affaires ( Master of Business Administration) 
  5. Mastère en logistique et gestion de la chaîne d’approvisionnement (Master of Arts in Logistics and Supply Chain Management)
  6. Mastère en marketing (Master of Arts in Marketing)
  7. Mastère TESOL (Master of Arts in TESOL)
  8. Bachelor en administration des affaires (Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in Business Administration)
  9. Bachelor en éducation (Bachelor of Arts in Education)
For each programme, you will find information on the qualifications and/or previous work experience required for entry in the “Entry Requirements” section on the programme page. For more enquiries, please contact us. The programmes we offer are designed to help you advance toward the degree you wish to attain but do not currently have the relevant qualifications or experience to obtain. We endeavour to make sure that upon successful enrolment into any of our programmes, you are provided with all the materials and support you’ll need to succeed. All you need is to equip yourself with the ambition, drive and desire to learn. If you encounter any difficulties at any point, we are available to assist you.
We provide two study options: 100% online: We are very proud of our truly interactive online learning platform which harnesses the power of e-learning to make learning fun, collaborative and engaging. It is a safe and secure platform for learning from and interacting with dedicated tutors and online classmates. Blended Learning: Enjoy all the benefits of both having access to our online learning platform and face to face classes at our locally approved IBES learning centres. This allows you to receive additional tutoring and physical classroom interaction with other learners. To better cater to the needs of our learners we are continually expanding our learning centre network, please contact us for more information about IBES approved learning centres near you.

Depending on the programme, assessments are based on participation, written assignments and worked based learning projects. You must upload all of your submissions to the online portal. Your online tutor will have direct access to your submissions to assess them.

The Bachelor and Master programmes commence on the 1st of every month. The Doctoral programmes commence on the 1st of the months of January, March, May, July , September and November every year. This will depend on each programme. Please go to the “Notional Hours” section of the programme. You will find our guide relating to the average time that it should take to complete a programme. Details of the duration for completion, the minimum time required and the maximum time allowed are found in the Programme Specification for the course you are undertaking. It varies between 3 months and 24 months depending on the programme and level.

All applications must be submitted at least 2 weeks prior to the commencement date.

You are, of course, welcome to enrol for more than one programme at the same time. However, please be aware of the amount of learning time required to complete each module. To get the best out of our programmes, we advise being mindful of the expected programme load when you enrol. If you are unsure about which programme to apply for, please contact us at

We generally do not have a set timetable which requires our learners to log in at fixed times every day. Our programmes are taught in a web-based learning environment, and discussion boards are used to ensure that learners can access their programmes at their convenience. However, some programmes may involve group work. For these programmes, you will be expected to work with your fellow learners. At the start of your programme, your tutor will set a timetable outlining activities that need to be completed and the date of submission.

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